Weapons & Firearms Lawyer in Toronto

The Criminal Code of Canada defines a wide array of weapons, guns and firearms offences. These offences include charges for the illegal use or possession of a weapon and the unlawful use of a weapon can carry severe penalties. Farjoud Law has extensive experience defending weapon-related offences.

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    What Are Weapons/Guns/Firearms Offences?

    There are a wide array of Weapons, Guns and Firearms Offences defined in the Criminal Code of Canada under “Part III – Firearms and Other Weapons.” In addition to the criminal offences contained in this part of the Criminal Code, there are other related weapons and guns offences, including, but not limited to, robbery offences and criminal organization offences. Below is a list of various weapons related offences:

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    Use Offences

    Section 85 – Using a Weapon/Firearm/Gun during the Commission of a Criminal Offence
    Section 86 – Careless Use of a Weapon/Firearm/Gun
    Section 87 – Pointing a Gun/Firearm at Another Person

    Possession Offences

    Section 88 – Possession of a Weapon/Firearm/Gun for Dangerous Purposes
    Section 89 – Carrying a Weapon/Firearm/Gun While Attending Public Meetings
    Section 90 – Carrying a Concealed Weapon/Firearm/Gun
    Section 91 – Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon/Firearm/Gun
    Section 92 – Possession of a Weapon/Firearm/Gun Knowing Its Possession Is Unauthorized
    Section 93 – Possession of a Weapon/Firearm/Gun at an Unauthorized Place
    Section 94 – Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon/Firearm/Gun in a Vehicle
    Section 95 – Possession of a Restricted or Prohibited Weapon/Firearm/Gun
    Section 96 – Possession of a Weapon/Firearm/Gun Obtained by the Commission of a Criminal Offense
    Section 98 – Breaking and Entering to Steal a Weapon/Firearm/Gun

    Trafficking Offences

    Section 99 – Weapons/Firearms/Guns Trafficking
    Section 100 – Possession for the Purpose of Weapons/Firearms/Guns Trafficking
    Section 101 – Transferring Weapons/Firearms/Guns without Authority

    Export and Import Offences

    Section 103 –Exporting and Importing Weapons/Firearms/Guns Knowing It Is Unauthorized
    Section 104 – Unauthorized Export and Import of Weapons/Firearms/Guns

    Offences Relating to Destroyed, Defaced, and Lost Weapons

    Section 105 – Finding or Losing Weapons/Firearms/Guns
    Section 106 – Destroying Weapons/Firearms/Guns
    Section 107 – Making False Statements about Losing, Destroying, or Theft of Weapons/Firearms/Guns
    Section 108 – Tampering with Weapons/Firearms/Guns Serial Numbers

    Depending on the offence, the Crown could prosecute an accused person either as an indicatable offence or summary conviction. Due to the wide array of weapons related offences, it is highly recommended to seek assistance from a skilled Toronto criminal defence lawyer.

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    With an outstanding track record defending clients charged with all types of criminal offences, we are dedicated to professionalism to prove your innocence.


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    If you’ve been charged with a criminal offence or are under investigation, call Farjoud Law for a free case review.

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    Are You In need of legal help?

    (647) 606-6776  or  Book An Appointment

    If you or anyone you know has been charged with weapon-related offence, it is important to speak directly to a criminal defence lawyer in North York, Toronto to find out yours rights and get your questions answered. Please contact Farjoud Law at (647) 424-1288  and speak directly to a criminal lawyer regarding your matter. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Farjoud Law is located at 4950 Yonge Street, Suite 2200 in the neighbourhood of North York in Toronto, Ontario.  Click here for directions to the office.

    Please note that this article is solely for informational purposes and should not be considered legal advice. Please consult a lawyer prior to acting or relying on any information in order to ensure the protection of your rights and interests.

    Weapons/Firearms/Guns Offences FAQs

    It is highly probable. Essentially all Weapons/Firearms/Guns Offences have maximum imprisonment periods ranging from a few years to life in prison. Numerous other offences carry mandatory minimum imprisonment periods.

    A weapon can be defined as any object, item, or device which can be used to maim, injure, threaten, harm, or kill another individual. The law does not limit weapons to just firearms, guns, knives, crossbows, bows and arrows, and other such items. Essentially any object, item, or device could potentially be defined as a weapon, regardless of whether it is restricted or non-restricted.

    For example, golf clubs, paper weights, letter openers, silverware, belts, clothing, jackets, tire irons, pillows, bedding, and vehicles could all be defined as weapons if they were intentionally used to main, harm, injure, kill or threaten another.

    It depends on the actual weapon. In cases of firearms and guns that are registered in your name, you need to legally transfer the registration to the person you give it to, otherwise, if they commit a criminal offence, you could potentially be charged for a lost weapons offence or an authorized transfer offence, or both.

    In situations where the weapon is a knife, crossbow, bow and arrow, or some other form of weapon, not defined as a gun or firearm, it is best to check with either a criminal defence lawyer in North York, Toronto or law enforcement to verify the correct procedure to ensure you do not violate any laws.

    Yes, in some cases. It really depends upon the circumstances surrounding your particular situation. If you commit multiple offences, then the Crown could potentially bring multiple charges against you. For instance, you use restricted weapon, gun, or firearm to assault a person with the intention of stealing from them. The Crown could potentially charge you with a weapons possession charge, an assault charge, and a robbery charge.

    Possibly. It depends on what was occurring to cause the police to investigate and how they came to find you in possession of the weapon.

    Again, it depends upon the circumstances of the case. For instance, a family member took the weapon without your knowledge and committed a criminal offence. As long as you had no knowledge they were going to take your weapons and commit the offence, then you might not be charged with a crime.

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    If you are facing criminal charges, you need a lawyer who can protect your rights and fight for your best interests.  You deserve a knowledgable and experienced defence.

    Get in touch with us today at 647(606-6776) or fill out the contact form. We will get back to you within 24 hours.

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